Community Services Committee






Tuesday 9 August 2016














Administrative Centre 30 Frances Street Randwick 2031

Telephone: 1300 722 542

Fax: 02 9319 1510















Community Services Committee                                                                                       9 August 2016



Community Services Committee


Notice is hereby given that a Community Services Committee of the Council of the City of Randwick will be held in the Council Chamber, First Floor, 90 Avoca Street Randwick on Tuesday, 9 August 2016 at 6:00 p.m.



Committee Members:          The Mayor D’ Souza, Andrews, Belleli, Bowen, Garcia, Matson (Deputy Chairperson), Moore, Nash, Neilson, Roberts, Seng, Shurey (Chairperson), Smith, Stavrinos & Stevenson


Quorum:                             Eight (8) members


NOTE:    At the Extraordinary Meeting held on 28 September 2004, the Council resolved that the Community Services Committee be constituted as a committee with full delegation to determine matters on the agenda.

Apologies/Granting of Leave of Absences 

Confirmation of the Minutes  

Community Services Committee - 12 A        pril 2016

Declarations of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests

Address of Committee by Members of the Public

Privacy warning;

In respect to Privacy & Personal Information Protection Act, members of the public are advised that the proceedings of this meeting will be recorded for the purposes of clause 69 of Council’s Code of Meeting Practice.

Urgent Business

Community Services Report

C5/16       Advisory Committee Minutes..................................................................... 1

Library Reports


Notice of Rescission Motions




Ray Brownlee

General Manager

Community Services Committee                                                                                       9 August 2016




Community Services Report No. C5/16


Subject:              Advisory Committee Minutes.

Folder No:                F2006/00216

Author:                     Gary Ella, Coordinator Community Programs & Partnerships      




At the 10 March 2009 Community Services Committee Meeting, it was resolved that the minutes of the Advisory Committees are to be presented to the Community Services Committee. This report brings together, for Council’s acceptance, the minutes of the previous meetings adopted by the respective Advisory Committees.




As scheduled, the Advisory Committees (listed below) have met and the minutes of the meetings, which reflect discussions and outcomes, are attached.


The minutes will also be available on Council’s website after each meeting. This report includes minutes from:


·      The Older Persons Advisory Committee Meeting – 4 May 2016 (endorsed via email)

·      The Access Advisory Committee Meeting – 12 May (endorsed via email)


Relationship to City Plan


The relationship with the City Plan is as follows:


Outcome:  An informed and Engaged Community.

Direction:  Effective communication methods and technology are used to share information and provide services.


Financial impact statement


There is no direct financial impact for this matter.




The minutes of these Advisory Committee Meetings are now in order and are submitted to Council for acknowledgement and acceptance.




That the Council acknowledges and accepts the minutes of the Older Persons Advisory Committee – May 2016 (endorsed via email) and the Access Advisory Committee – May 2016 (endorsed via email).




Access Advisory Committee Minutes for Meeting held on Thursday 12 May 2016



Older Persons Advisory Committee Minutes for Meeting held on Wednesday 4 May 2016




Access Advisory Committee Minutes for Meeting held on Thursday 12 May 2016

Attachment 1




Randwick City Council Access Advisory Committee

Meeting held on Thursday 12 May 2016, at the

Randwick Room, Randwick Council.



Frida Kitas                            Randwick City Council

Cr.Kathy Neilson                    Randwick City Council

Chris Donnellan                     Randwick City Council

Vince Bates                          Headeast

Miguel Lane-Mullins                Holdsworth Community

Sue Mayerhofer                    Community Representative

Nadia Samperi                      Ability Links – East Sydney

Tess Protey                          Community Representative

Patricia Garvie                      Eastern Suburbs Aftercare

Judy Nicholas                        Community Representative

Juliette Walker                      Community Representative

George Gergely                     Community Representative

Ron Wood                                   National Seniors – Sydney East Branch

Donna Shrubsole                   Richmond PRA – Buckingham House




Cr.Murray Matson                  Randwick Council

Sharon Lee                           Aftercare

Melinda Ross                         Sunnyfield

Kim Tipoki                            Holdsworth Community

Marie Tsigaropoulos               Junction Neighbourhood Centre


3.     Introductions: Cr.Neilson opened the meeting and welcomed everyone.


4      Minutes

The minutes from the meeting held in March were confirmed.


5      Business Arising from Previous Minutes


5.1   Bus stop upgrades

Frida reminded the Committee that Council is seeking to improve bus stop accessibility in Randwick City.  Members are encouraged to identify and provide feedback on any bus stops that need to be upgraded to enhance access for all community members.


Action:  For noting.


5.2   Seniors Week events

Frida reported on Seniors Week events and activities held throughout April.


Action:  For information.


5.3   Staying Connected Workshop for Carers

Over 60 people participated in Staying Connected when Emotions Run High, a free workshop intervention for people who support someone who may be experiencing mental health issues on Tuesday 22 March at Randwick Town Hall.  The workshop which was facilitated by Dr. Anne-Maree Bickerton, Child, Adolescent and Family Psychiatrist, Toni Garretty, Clinical Coordinator SESLHD and organised in partnership with Carers NSW. 


Action:  Information.


5.4   Hoarding & Squalor Training Event

Eastern Sydney Partners in Recovery (ESPIR) have been working with services in the Eastern Sydney catchment area to promote improved access to services for consumers who experience hoarding and squalor.  As part of this initiative, RCC has partnered with ESPIR to organise a two-day training event for frontline staff to increase their capacity to work more effectively with this target group.  The training will be he held on 17th & 18th May at Randwick Town Hall from 9am – 4.30pm.  Workshop sessions will focus on capacity building skills for workers. Speakers will include Professor John Snowdon and representatives from NEAMI Hoarding & Squalor Project and Catholic Community Services Hoarding & Squalor Program.  Over 60 people have registered to attend.


Action: For information.


5.5   Kensington Community Centre

Cr.Neilson advised the Kensington Community Centre will have a 12 or 14 on-site parking spots, including accessible parking.  The centre will have halls for hire, a half-basketball court and there are also plans to have an outdoor gym in the future. 


Action:  For information.


5.6   Access issues from previous meetings

Cr.Neilson asked Frida to invite Tony Lehmann, RCC Manager of Integrated Transport to the July meeting to present on parking implications and other significant changes to our streets due to the introduction of the Light Rail.  Ron Wood raised the issue of parking limitations on Hunter Avenue, Matraville – why parking is only available on one side of the street.  Cr.Neilson spoke about recent changes introduced by the NSW government to address the issue of people dumping boat trailers on residential streets and to relieve pressure on residential roads.  The government will introduce a three month parking limit on local streets, currently there is no limit on the time boat trailers can park on streets.  The changes are being trialled in three areas and could become State law if the trail is successful.


Action:  Frida to invite Tony Lehmann, Manager of Integrated Transport to the July meeting.


6. New Business


6.1   Your Brain Matters Presentations

Over 140 people attended the Your Brain Matters Presentation held on Saturday 7 May at Randwick Town Hall.  The next presentation will be held on Saturday 4 June at the Prince Henry Nursing & Medical Museum, Little Bay.  Juliette Walker stated that the presentation was very useful as the focus was on prevention.  Council is also planning to hold Memory Information Days at local libraries to increase community awareness and understanding of local services and support programs.


Action: Frida to provide an update at the July meeting.


6.2     Volunteer Thank You Morning Tea

To celebrate National Volunteer Week, RCC will host a thank you morning tea for people who volunteer in Randwick City and surrounding areas on Saturday 21 May at Randwick Town Hall from 11am.  The Mayor, Cr.Noel D’Souza will officially open the event and guest speakers will include Anthony Minichiello, former captain of the Sydney Roosters and distinguished actor Noel Hodda.  A range of volunteers will be invited to attend. Members noted that the morning tea will be a good networking opportunity for local volunteers.


Action:  For information.


6.3   Mindfulness in Relationships Workshop

RCC in partnership with Carers NSW will host a free seminar on Mindfulness in Relationships on Saturday 28 May at Randwick Town Hall from 10am to 3.30pm.  Fiona Goodwin, an experienced Mindfulness facilitator will explore strategies to help Carers develop a more mindful approach to their supporting role and personal relationships.  The workshop will focus on experiential learning through a variety of activities.  Bookings are required on 1800 242 636 or by emailing mhrcs@carersnsw.gov.au


Action:  For information.


6.4     Youth Mental Health Information Session

RCC will hold a Youth Mental Health Information Session on Saturday 18 June at the Prince Henry Centre, Little Bay from 11am to 3pm.  The information session will be presented by Clinical Psychologist, Jane Randall, a facilitator with re.mind Mental Health Training, a service of the Schizophrenia Fellowship of NSW.  The interactive session will explore mental health issues impacting youth in Randwick City.  Participants will learn about mood disorders, psychosis, behavioural problems, how to build resilience in younger people and the lived experience: a Carers perspective.  The session is suitable for parents, teachers and community youth workers.


Action:  For information.


6.5     Wesley LifeForce Suicide Prevention Workshop

RCC in partnership with Carers NSW will host the Wesley LifeForce Suicide Prevention Training Workshop on Saturday 25 June from 10am to 2pm at Bowen Library & Community Centre.  Wesley LifeForce training equips participants with a variety of skills such as managing suicidal crisis, understanding risk and protective factors, as well as how to identify the signs that someone may be at risk of suicide and how to link them to further help. Places are limited and bookings are required on 1800 242 636 or by emailing the Mental Health Carer Respite Support Team on mhrcs@carersnsw.org.au


Action:  For information.


7.  Guest Speaker:  Nil


8.  Information Share:

·     Ability Links will host 2 x ‘Maroubra Matters’ sessions to promote conversation with local community members living in Maroubra - the sessions will focus on access, inclusion and people with a disability.  Both sessions will be held at Bowen Library & Community Centre on Monday 23rd May from 6 – 7.30pm and Wednesday 25th May from 1.30 – 3pm. 

·     Buckingham House offer physical, psychoeducational, leisure and indoor and outdoor activities for people living with mental illness.  They have a new cooking class that teaches clients how to cook for one person.  The class is held every Wednesday morning and cost is $5 to cover the cost of lunch.  Urban Arts Base, Double Bay also held an Art Exhibition at Buckingham House on 15th April.

·     Holdsworth Community provide support to people with younger onset Dementia, they have identified that this group may not receive the benefits of services due to delays in achieving a diagnosis.  Miguel spoke about the Community Café Toolkit that helps organisations to establish community cafes for people living with Dementia.  Holdsworth are working towards becoming a Dementia-Friendly Community.

·     Aftercare offer community mental health programs for people living in South Eastern Sydney.  Staff recently received training to work more effectively with people of different sexual orientations.  Aftercare run sex education for clients - a trained sexual health nurse from The Short Street Clinic will give a talk around sexual health and the impacts of medication on Tuesday 19 July from 2pm at Ventnor House, Randwick.  Cost is free.

·     Headeast are investigating the possibility of working with Our Big Kitchen in Bondi to deliver a cooking program for clients on healthy and affordable lunches.  Depending on the success of the program, they may extend the training to other community groups.

·     Judy Nicholas is a member of ‘The Collectives’ – a lived experience working group who teach health professionals how to work more effectively with people who are hoarders. 

·     The Collectives provide support for people living with and affected by hoarding and squalor and family members, friends and neighbours. The Collectives are a part of Project Uncover – which receives funding from Western Sydney Partners in Recovery.  Judy has also completed ‘Buried in Treasures’ Training delivered by Lifeline and will be a presenter at the 4th National Hoarding & Squalor Conference on the 29th & 30th June.


9:     Date of Next Meeting:  Thursday 14 July 2016.

Older Persons Advisory Committee Minutes for Meeting held on Wednesday 4 May 2016

Attachment 2




Randwick City Council

Older Persons Advisory Committee

Meeting held on Wednesday 4 May 2016, Randwick Room




Frida Kitas                            Randwick City Council

Jane Moffat                          Randwick City Council

Cr. Kathy Neilson                   Randwick City Council

Billee King                            Community Representative

Lee Barwick                          The Coast Centre for Seniors

Andrew Blair                         Community Representative

Andrea Szanto                      Holdsworth Community

Suzanne Bryant                     Community Representative

Lindsay Harden                     Community Representative    

Mike Cornell                         National Seniors – Sydney East

Brigitte Cusack                      Central and Eastern Sydney PHN

Sue Mayerhofer                    WAVES/Community Representative

Ben Whitehorn                      Randwick Waverley Community Transport     

Warren Reid                            Dementia Advisory Service – Eastern Sydney & City of Sydney




Cr. Noel D’Souza                   Randwick City Council

Brigitte Cusack               Central and Eastern Sydney PHN

Megan Bowyer               Junction Neighbourhood Centre


3.     Introductions:  Cr.Neilson opened the meeting and welcomed everyone.


4.    Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 2 March 2016 were confirmed.


5.    Business Arising from Minutes


5.1     Seniors Week 2016 Events

Frida reported that Seniors Week 2016 was highly successful with over 1500 people of all ages and backgrounds attending Back to Prince Henry Day and the Spirits of Prince Henry at the Nursing and Medical Museum, Little Bay.  Other events included an Art 4 Connection Workshop exploring the therapeutic benefits of Art, an Abuse of Older Persons Forum and Cultural Bridges, a multicultural concert for Seniors and people with disabilities from CALD backgrounds held in partnership with Eastern Sydney Multicultural Access Project.  In addition, RCC in partnership with Aged and Community Services NSW held the Eora Elders Olympics at Hurstville Aquatic and Leisure Centre.  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander elders living in Randwick City participated in modified sporting activities and traditional Aboriginal games.  Participants were offered expert advice relating to health and wellbeing to empower elders to live healthy lives. Frida thanked the Prince Henry Hospital Trained Nurses Association, in particular Billee King and Lyn Smith for their generous support.


Action:  For information.


5.2   Bus stop upgrades

The Committee identified a number of bus stops and shelters in Randwick City that need to be upgraded to provide improved access for all members of the Community.  Frida will liaise with City Services in regards to the recommendations.


Action:  Frida to provide an update at future meetings.


5.3     Your Brain Matters Presentations

To ensure that Randwick City is a Dementia-friendly community, RCC in partnership with Alzheimer’s Australia NSW will hold a number of ‘Your Brain Matters’ presentations throughout the year at various locations to reach a range of residents living in Randwick City.  Presentations will be held from 11am to 3pm on Saturday 7 May at Randwick Town Hall and Saturday 4 June at the Prince Henry Nursing and Medical Museum, Little Bay.  Frida and Warren discussed plans to hold pop-up Memory Information Days at RCC libraries as an informal and discreet way of providing information on available services and support programs for people diagnosed with dementia, their Carers and family members.


Action:  Frida to provide an update about the pop up Memory Information Days at the July OPAC meeting.


5.4     Kensington Community Centre

Cr.Neilson reported that the Kensington Community Centre will operate from late November and include rooms for hire, on-site parking, a half basketball court, additional landscaping and footpath works.  The centre will be fully accessible and an outdoor gym is planned for the nearby park as part of future works. Ben asked about the possible use of the centre in relation to transport to and from appointments for his client group.  Cr.Neilson will follow up this request and provide an update at the July meeting.


Action:  Cr.Neislon to provide an update at the July meeting.


6. General Business


6.1   Staying Connected Workshop for Carers

Over 60 people participated in Staying Connected when Emotions Run High, a free workshop intervention for people who support someone who may be experiencing mental health issues on Tuesday 22 March at Randwick Town Hall.  The workshop was facilitated by Dr. Anne-Maree Bickerton, Child, Adolescent and Family Psychiatrist, Toni Garretty, Clinical Coordinator SESLHD. The workshop session was organised in partnership with Carers NSW.


Action: For information.


6.2   Hoarding & Squalor Training Event

Eastern Sydney Partners in Recovery (ESPIR) have been working with services in the Eastern Sydney catchment area to promote improved access to services for consumers who experience hoarding and squalor.  As part of this initiative, RCC has partnered with ESPIR to organise a two-day training event for frontline staff to increase their capacity to work more effectively with this target group.  The training will be he held on 17th & 18th May at Randwick Town Hall from 9am – 4.30pm.  Workshop sessions will focus on capacity building skills for workers in the area of hoarding and squalor.  Speakers will include Professor John Snowdon and representatives from NEAMI Hoarding & Squalor Project and Catholic Community Services Hoarding & Squalor Program.  Over 60 workers from a range of agencies have registered to attend.


Action:  Frida to provide an update at the July meeting.


6.3   Volunteer Thank You Morning Tea

To celebrate National Volunteer Week, RCC will host a thank you morning tea for people who volunteer in Randwick City on Saturday 21 May at Randwick Town Hall from 11am.  The Mayor, Cr.Noel D’Souza will officially open the event and guest speakers will include Anthony Minichiello, former captain of the Sydney Roosters and distinguished actor Noel Hodda. Volunteers from a range of services and organisations in Randwick City and surrounding areas will be invited to attend.  Frida noted that over 160 volunteers attended the morning tea in 2015.  The Committee agreed that the morning tea is an excellent way to recognise the vast contributions volunteers make to their local community as well as providing networking opportunities.


Action:  For information.


6.4   Mindfulness in Relationships Seminar

RCC in partnership with Carers NSW will host a free seminar on Mindfulness in Relationships on Saturday 28 May at Randwick Town Hall from 10am to 3.30pm.  Fiona Goodwin, an experienced Mindfulness facilitator will explore strategies to help Carers develop a more mindful approach to their supporting role and personal relationships.  The workshop will focus on experiential learning through a variety of activities.  Bookings are required on 1800 242 636 or by emailing mhrcs@carersnsw.gov.au.


Action:  Frida to electronically circulate flyers to members.


6.5   Youth Mental Health Information Session

RCC will hold a Youth Mental Health Information Session on Saturday 18 June at the Prince Henry Centre, Little Bay from 11am to 3pm.  The information session will be presented by Clinical Psychologist, Jane Randall, a facilitator with re.mind Mental Health Training, a service of the Schizophrenia Fellowship of NSW.  The interactive session will explore health issues impacting youth in Randwick City.  Participants will learn about mood disorders, psychosis, behavioural problems, how to build resilience in younger people and the lived experience: a Carers perspective.  The session is suitable for parents, teachers and community youth workers. 


Action:  Frida to electronically circulate flyers to members.


6.6   Suicide Prevention Training Workshop

RCC in partnership with Carers NSW will host the Wesley LifeForce Suicide Prevention Workshop on Saturday 25 June from 10am to 2pm at Bowen Library & Community Centre.  Wesley LifeForce training equips participants with a variety of skills such as managing suicidal crisis, understanding risk and protective factors, as well as how to identify the signs that someone may be at risk of suicide and how to link them to further help. Places are limited and bookings are required on 1800 242 636 or by emailing the Mental Health Carer Respite Support Team on mhrcs@carersnsw.org.au     


Action:  Frida to electronically circulate flyers to members.


6.7 MOD.A Home Modifications Australia Conference

Frida reported that she attended the MOD.A Home Modifications Australia National Conference in Canberra on 28th & 29th April.  The theme was ‘Modifying the Home – Building Inclusion Practice’.   The conference addressed issues of how reform policy will impact on the sector, how accreditation will guarantee quality and what providers will need to do to meet the challenges of working in an individualised, consumer-driven environment.  Frida reminded the Committee that Council operates a Level 1 Home Maintenance and Modifications Service. The service is highly responsive and there are currently no waiting lists.  Flyer for the RCC HMMS tabled.


Action:  For information.


7.  Guest speaker: Ellen Gore, Eastern Sydney Multicultural Access Project.  ESMAP is a project of Ethnic Community Services Co-operative.  ESMAP provide a range of resources and services for CHSP services working with older people, younger people with a disability and carers from CALD backgrounds.  ESMAP work with funded services to respond more effectively to the needs of CALD communities.  ESMAP assist agencies to provide culturally and linguistically appropriate services and improved referral pathways.  ESMAP consult with clients from CALD backgrounds in regards to the home and care needs in their community, to identify gaps in service provision and improve outcomes for the CALD communities.


ESMAP strongly advocates for services to adopt a more person-centred approach to client care.  ESMAP provide counselling, referral, information and advocacy services for CALD communities. They organise information sessions for existing and new clients aimed to increase awareness and understanding about services and the introduction of new service platforms such as NDIS and My Aged Care, which is not widely promoted in the CALD community.  ESMAP have consulted with over 300 clients in regards to My Aged Care and advocate to My Aged Care on behalf of clients.


ESMAP are also funded to provide individual and group social support once a month for Greek, Italian, Russian & Vietnamese groups.  They have identified a need for more structured social support for these community groups. They provide individual support services for isolated clients, offer home visits, 1 to 1 shopping and accompany people to social and medical appointments.  People must be 65+ to be eligible for these services.  ESMAP covers the Eastern Suburbs, City of Sydney, St George & Sutherland areas.  They have 961 clients and provide translated brochures on services in a range of community languages.  Brochures tabled.


Action:  For information.



8. Information Share:

·     Lee Barwick tabled the July newssheet for the Coast Centre.

·     Billee King spoke about the next Twilight Tour at the Nursing & Medical Museum on Wednesday 6 July from 6.30pm.  The theme will be Polio – Then and Now.  Guest speakers include Prof. Clement R. Boughton.

·     Sue Mayerhofer reported inaccuracies in Mike Cornell’s e-newsletter in regards to the DA for the proposed hydrotherapy pool at Green Square.  Frida asked Mike to consult with members about matters raised in the meeting prior to including them in his e-newsletter.

·     Frida & Lee thanked Mike for generously promoting their respective events & programs.

·     Randwick Waverley Community Transport are providing specialised tours for Vivid Sydney | Light, Music & Ideas Festival.

·     Seniors Week events held at Bowen Library were very well received. Over 16 clubs participated in the Seniors Club Expo. The Writing for Pleasure Group has produced a booklet of short stories which will be launched on Wednesday 6 June at the Library.


9. Correspondence:  Nil


Date of Next Meeting: Wednesday 7 July 2016.